Mellonympha velata

Mynd: Laure de Montety

M. velata, oscular view; from Bioice sample 2843 

Dreifing tegundar eftir dýpi, seltu og sjávarhita, innan þess breytileika sem allar sýnatökustöðvar ná yfir, sýnt sem heildarspönn lóðréttra ása. Gögn úr botndýraverkefninu „BIOICE“. (ENGLISH – Occurrence zone of the species within the range of water dept
Mynd: Kjartan Birgisson
Dreifing tegundar eftir dýpi, seltu og sjávarhita, innan þess breytileika sem allar sýnatökustöðvar ná yfir, sýnt sem heildarspönn lóðréttra ása. Gögn úr botndýraverkefninu „BIOICE“. (ENGLISH – Occurrence zone of the species within the range of water depth, temperature, and salinity, spanned by the ""Bioice"" samples; demarcated by respective y-axes.)
Mynd: Laure de Montety

M. velata, side view; from Bioice sample 2843

Mynd: Laure de Montety

M. velata, interior; from Bioice sample 2843, 

Mynd: Anonymus

M. velata, after Thomson, C. W. (Depths of the Sea: an account of the General Results of the Dredging Cruises of H.M.SS. 'Porcupine' and 'Lightning' During the Summers of 1868, 1869, and 1870 under the Scientific Direction of Dr. Carpenter, F.R.S., J.Gwyn Jeffreys, F.R.S., and Dr. Wyville Thomson, F. R. S., London: MacMillan and Co.)


Mellonympha velata (Thompson, 1873)

Mellonympha velata. Occurrence in Bioice samples (red dots) and at ground fish survey stations (blue dots)

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