
Nýjustu vísindagreinar eftir starfsfólk Náttúrufræðistofnunar Íslands eru birtar á þessari síðu jafn skjótt og af þeim fréttist. Nöfn starfsfólks stofnunarinnar eru feitletruð.

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Guðmundsson, G., T. Cedhagen, and T. Andersen. 2022. Taxonomy and Distribution of Recent Species of the Subfamily Nodosariinae (Foraminifera) in Icelandic Waters. European Journal of Taxonomy 824 (1):1–74. https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2022.824.1827.

Barrio, I. C., L. Barbero-Palacios, E. Kaarlejärvi, J. D. M. Speed, S. Heiðmarsson, D. S. Hik, and E. M. Soininen. 2022. What are the effects of herbivore diversity on tundra ecosystems? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence 11, no. 1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-022-00257-z

Xu, M., E. Oppong-Danquah, X. Wang, S. Oddsson, A. Abdelrahman, S. V. Pedersen, M. Szomek, A. E. Gylfason, B. S. Snorradottir, E. A. Christensen, D. Tasdemir, C. J. Jameson, S. Murad, O. S. Andresson, K. P. Magnusson, H. J. de Boer, M. Thorsteinsdottir, S. Omarsdottir, S. Heidmarsson, E. S. Olafsdottir, E.S. 2022. Novel methods to characterise spatial distribution and enantiomeric composition of usnic acids in four icelandic lichens. Phytochemistry 200. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phytochem.2022.113210

Wasowicz, P. and T. Alm. 2022. Senecio pseudoarnica less. (asteraceae): A new non-native species invading coastal areas in arctic and subarctic europe. Biological Invasions 24, no. 6: 1575-1583. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-022-02759-w

Golikov, A. V., G. M. Artemev, M. E. Blicher, G. Gudmundsson, L. L. Jørgensen, S. H. Olafsdottir, W. Walkusz, D. V. Zakharov, O. L. Zimina, and R. M. Sabirov. 2022. Deep and cold: Are boreal and arctic finned octopods, stauroteuthis syrtensis and cirroteuthis muelleri (cephalopoda, octopoda, cirrata), ecological analogues? Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103706

Greimler, J., E. M. Temsch, Z. Xue, H. Weiss-Schneeweiss, P. Volkova, M. Peintinger, P. Wasowicz, H. Shang, I. Schanzer, and J. O. Chiapella. 2022. Genome size variation in deschampsia cespitosa sensu lato (poaceae) in eurasia. Plant Systematics and Evolution 308, no. 1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00606-021-01796-7

Turner-Meservy, C., O. K. Vilmundardóttir, R. Lal, and G. Gísladóttir. 2022. Soil chemical properties in glacial moraines across a chronosequence influenced by avifauna and volcanic materials: Breiðamerkurjökull, iceland. Catena 209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2021.105836

Bonnet-Lebrun, A. -S, T. Larsen, T. L. Thórarinsson, Y. Kolbeinsson, M. Frederiksen, T. I. Morley, D. Fox, A. Boutet, F. le Bouard, T. Deville, E. S. Hansen, T. Hansen, P. Roberts, N. Ratcliffe. 2022. Cold comfort: Arctic seabirds find refugia from climate change and potential competition in marginal ice zones and fjords. Ambio 51, no. 2: 345-354. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-021-01650-7

Kleine, B. I., A. Stefánsson, R. A. Zierenberg, H. Jeon, M. J. Whitehouse, K. Jónasson, G. Ó. Fridleifsson, and T. B. Weisenberger. 2022. Sulfate (re-)cycling in the oceanic crust: Effects of seawater-rock interaction, sulfur reduction and temperature on the abundance and isotope composition of anhydrite. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 317, : 65-90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2021.10.016

Burchardt, S., B. V. Óskarsson, L. E. Gustafsson, S. E. Berg, and M. S. Riishuus. 2022. Geology of a neogene caldera cluster in the borgarfjörour eystri-loomundarfjörour area, eastern iceland. Volcanica 5, no. 1: 133-161. https://doi.org/10.30909/vol.05.01.133161

Schrenk, H., B. Magnússon, B. D. Sigurdsson, and W. Z. Castell. 2022. Systemic analysis of a developing plant community on the island of surtsey. Ecology and Society 27, no. 1. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-12980-270135

Farnsworth, W. R., Ó. Ingólfsson, E. S. Mannerfelt, M. H. Kalliokoski, E. R. Guðmundsdóttir, M. Retelle, L. Allaart, S. Brynjólfsson, M. F. A. Furze, H. J. Hancock, K. H. Kjær, A. J. Pieńkowski, A. Schomacker. 2022. Vedde ash constrains younger dryas glacier re-advance and rapid glacio-isostatic rebound on svalbard. Quaternary Science Advances 5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.qsa.2021.100041

Benediktsson, Í. Ö., N. Aradóttir, Ó. Ingólfsson, and S. Brynjólfsson. 2022. Cross-cutting palaeo-ice streams in NE-iceland reveal shifting iceland ice sheet dynamics. Geomorphology 396. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.108009

Ester Rut Unnsteinsdóttir, 2021. Íslenski melrakkinn. Náttúrufræðingurinn : 91:(3-4), pp.97–111. https://timarit.is/page/7659540#page/n3/mode/2up

Svavar Örn Guðmundsson, Karl Skírnisson & Ólafur Karl Nielsen, 2021. Lúsflugan snípuludda Ornithomya chloropus á Íslandi : lífsferill og ásætur. Náttúrufræðingurinn : 91(1-2), pp.56–63. https://timarit.is/page/7486918#page/n55/mode/2up

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