Todaropsis eblanae

Picture: FAO
T. eblanae (Courtesy of @ FAO, Jereb and Roper, 2010, Fig.325)
Picture: Pavel Lubin
T. eblane (Dorsal view, mantle length ca. 100 mm; specimen from the Barents Sea)


Todaropsis eblanae (Ball, 1841)

Mantle length up to 290 mm. Distributied in the low boreal to tropical, equatorial, waters in the eastern Atlantic, along the European and African shores, the Mascarene Ridge in the Indian Ocean, and from Vietnam waters to Australia in the Pacific Ocean. Since 2006, it has occasionally been found in the Arctic and in the Barents Sea, which is probably the result of the recent climate changes in the Arctic. It is an epi- and mesopelagic, neritic species. However, it has been found at 1000 m water depth and dwells more close to the bottom of the sea than most other Ommastrephidae squids, and is relatively more benthic than all other squids recorded from Icelandic waters. It is important source for fisheries, and has been subject of intensive studies. Todaropsis eblane has not been found in Icelandic waters so far.  


Sabirov R. M., Lubin P. A., Golikov A. V. Finding of the lesser flying squid Todaropsis eblanae (Oegopsida, Ommastrephidae) in the Barents Sea. Zoological Journal, 2009. Vol. 88. – P. 1010-1012 [in Russian with English summary].

Jereb P., Roper C. F. E. (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2010. 605p.

Sabirov R. M., Golikov A. V., Nigmatullin Ch. M., Lubin P. A. Structure of the reproductive system and hectocotylus in males of lesser flying squid Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae). Journal of Natural History, 2012. Vol. 46. – P. 1761-1778.

Golikov A. V., Sabirov R. M., Lubin P. A., Jørgensen L. L. Changes in distribution and range structure of Arctic cephalopods due to climatic changes of the last decades. Biodiversity, 2013. Vol. 14. – P. 28-35.

Alexey V. Golikov and Rushan M. Sabirov, Kazan Federal University, Department of Zoology, & Gudmundur Gudmundsson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Department of Collections and Systematics

Citing this page: Golikov A. V., Sabirov R. M., Gudmundsson G. (2017). Cephalopoda, Todaropsis eblanae (Ball, 1841),


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