Stauroteuthis syrtensis

Picture: FAO
S. syrtensis, séð á bak (Courtesy of @ FAO, Jereb et al. 2014, Fig.249)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
C. syrtensis, séð á bak (Dorsal view; specimen from off western Greenland)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
S. syrtensis, möttulbúkur, séð frá hlið (Mantle, side view; specimen from off western Greenland)


Stauroteuthis syrtensis Verrill, 1879

Maximum reported mantle length is 120 mm, but larger specimens do exist. Distributed in deep-waters of the North Atlantic and only in the boreal waters south of Iceland. It is a bentho-pelagic, oceanic species; it has been found at 4000 m water depth and is the most abundant cirrate octopod in the northern Atlantic.


Collins M. A., Henriques C. A revision of the family Stauroteuthidae (Octopoda: Cirrata) with redescriptions of of Stauroteuthis syrtensis and S. gilchristi. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2000. Vol. 80. – P. 685-697.

Jereb P., Roper C. F. E., Norman M. D., Finn J. K. (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 3. Octopods and Vampire Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 3. Rome, FAO. 2014. 370 p.

Alexey V. Golikov and Rushan M. Sabirov, Kazan Federal University, Department of Zoology, & Gudmundur Gudmundsson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Department of Collections and Systematics

Citing this page:Golikov A. V., Sabirov R. M., Gudmundsson G. (2017). Cephalopoda, Stauroteuthis systensis Verrill, 1879,

Fundarstaður S. syrtensis (Sampling site of S. syrtensis in Icelandic waters)


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