Gonatus fabricii

Picture: Guðmundur Guðmundsson
Gonatus fabricii, fullvaxið dýr, séð á kvið, og nærmynd af gripkólfi. (Courtesy of @ FAO, Jereb and Roper, 2010, Fig. 225)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
Fullþroskað kvendýr (Adult female, lateral view, jelly stage, mantle length 225 mm; specimen from off western Greenland)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
Fullþroska karldýr (Adult male, lateral view, mantle length 212 mm; specimen from off western Greenland)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
Ungviði (Paralarvae, dorsal view, mantle length about 15 mm; specimens from off western Greenland)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
Ungviði (Juveniles, dorsal view, mantle lengths 40 - 50 mm; specimens from off western Greenland)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
Neðri bitkjálki (Lower beak; specimen from off western Greenland)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
Efri bitkjálki (Upper beak; specimen from off western Greenland)


Möttull ílangur, allt að 400 mm, keilulaga, sverastur yfir miðhlutann og oddmjór í endann. Sporðblöðkur stórar of spaðalaga. Gripkólfar langir og grannir, með einum stórgerðum krók, auk þriggja minni króka. Mjög algeng tegund, útbreidd um norðanvert Atlantshaf frá Nýfundnalandi og að Svalbarða og í vestanverðu Barentshafi. G. fabricii er úthafstegund sem syndir upp um sjó og niður á um 500 til 700 m dýpi. Yfir hrygningartímann, sem fer fram á miklu dýpi, þá umbreytist mest af möttli og örmum kvendýra í gelkennt hlaup með um 10.000 hrognum. Hrognakökkinn bera þau á örmum sér meðan lirfan þroskast, en drepast að lokinni hrygningu. Talið er að tegundin verði tveggja ára. Viðkoman er mikil, en lífmassi ungviðis í Noregshafi hefur verið metinn um 1,5 milljón tonn og talið er að þar innbyrði búhvalur árlega um 500.00 tonn af G. fabricii. Tegundin er svo aftur mikilvæg fæða fyrir sjófugla, ýmsa ránfiska, seli og hvali.


Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein, 1818)

Mantle length is up to 400 mm. The species is distributed in the Arctic, including the Central Polar Basin, and the boreal Atlantic. It is a meso- and bathypelagic oceanic species, mainly from the surface to 500 m - 700 m, but records are also from 1500 m water depth; paralarvae and juveniles are epipelagic. G. fabricii is by far the most abundant squid in the high latitudes of the Atlantic and a permanent inhabitant of the Arctic Ocean, but recent warming of Arctic waters has affected its distribution. This species is an important food source for toothed whales. In Icelandic waters G. fabrichii is most abundant in the cold waters north and east off Iceland, but less so in the boreal wateres south and west of Iceland. In contrast the congeneric G. steenstrupi, is most common in the boreal waters south and west off Iceland, and less so north and east of Iceland.


Bruun A. Fr. Cephalopoda. In The Zoology of Iceland, (eds.) A. Fredriksson and
S. L. Tuxen. Ejnar Munkagaard, Copenhagen, Vol. 4, Part 64, 1945. 45 pp.

Kristensen T. K. Gonatus fabricii. In: Boyle P. R. (ed), Cephalopod Life Cycles, Book 1. New York, Academic Press. 1983. 475 p.

Bjørke H. Predators of the squid Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein) in the Norwegian Sea. Fisheries Research, 2001, Vol. 52. – P. 113-120.

Jereb P., Roper C. F. E. (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2010. 605p.

Golikov A. V., Sabirov R. M., Lubin P. A. New data on Gonatus fabricii (Cephalopoda, Teuthida) distribution and reproductive biology in the Western Sector of Russian Arctic. Proceedings of Kazan University, Natural Sciences series, 2012. Vol. 154. – P. 118-128 [in Russian with English summary].

Golikov A. V., Sabirov R. M., Lubin P. A., Jørgensen L. L. Changes in distribution and range structure of Arctic cephalopods due to climatic changes of the last decades. Biodiversity, 2013. Vol. 14. – P. 28-35.

Alexey V. Golikov and Rushan M. Sabirov, Kazan Federal University, Department of Zoology, & Gudmundur Gudmundsson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Department of Collections and Systematics

Citing this page:Golikov A. V., Sabirov R. M., Gudmundsson G. (2017). Cephalopoda, Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein, 1818), http://www.ni.is/biota/animalia/mollusca/cephalopoda/gonatus-fabricii

Útbreiðsla G. fabricii. (Sampling sites of G. fabricii)


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