Rossia macrosoma

Picture: FAO

R. macrosoma, fullvaxið dýr; nærmyndir af gripkólfi og armi (Courtesy of @ FAO, Jereb and Roper, 2005, fig.261)

Picture: Alexey Golikov

R. macrosoma (Dorsal view; ML ca. 40 mm. Courtesy of @ Elisabeth Cuesta Torralvo


Rossia macrosoma (Delle Chiaie, 1830)


Mantle length up to 85 mm. Distributed in the low boreal to tropical waters in the eastern Atlantic, along the European and African shores, and the Mediterranean Sea. The northern part of the North Sea is the main northern border of the range, it but may occasionally enter the low Arctic. It is a necto-benthic shelf and upper slope species, and has been found down to 900 m water depth. The species is rather well studied outside the Arcic. It was not found during BIOICE program and no voucher specimens from the Icelandic waters are deposited in the collections of IINH, but one live specimenhas was caught north of Iceland (Jonson and Dagsson, 1970), at 67°14'N; 19°,15'W and 500 m depth.


Grimpe G. Die cephalopoden des arktischen Gebietes. Fauna Arctica, 1933. Vol. 6. – P. 489-514 [in German].

Jonsson G., Dagsson H. Tvær nýjar smokkfiskategundir (Cephalopoda) við Ísland  [Two new cephalopod species found in Icelandic waters]. Nattúrufræðingurinn, 1970. Vol. 40. – P. 125-129 [in Icelandic].

Nesis K. N. Cephalopod molluscs of the Arctic Ocean and its seas. Fauna and distribution of molluscs: North Pacific and Arctic Basin, 1987. – P. 115-136 [in Russian].

Jereb P., Roper C. F. E. (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 1. Chambered nautiluses and sepioids (Nautilidae, Sepiidae, Sepiolidae, Sepiadariidae, Idiosepiidae and Spirulidae). FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 1. Rome, FAO. 2005. 262p.

Alexey V. Golikov and Rushan M. Sabirov, Kazan Federal University, Department of Zoology, & Gudmundur Gudmundsson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Department of Collections and Systematics

Citing this page:Golikov A. V., Sabirov R. M., Gudmundsson G. (2017). Cephalopoda, Rossia macrosoma (Delle Chiaie, 1830),


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