Rossia megaptera

Picture: Alexey Golikov

R. megaptera (Dorsal view; ML 21 mm; specimen in IINH collection)

Picture: Alexey Golikov

Upper beak; eastern North Atlantic

Picture: Alexey Golikov

Lower beak; eastern North Atlantic


Rossia megaptera Verrill, 1881

This is a rather samll species, with mantle length up to 50 mm. It is a necto-benthic species, mostly found close to the continental shelfs and slopes. It has been found at 1536 m water depth, but its bology and ecology is poorly known. The species is distributed in the western part of the North Atlantic, up to the Davis Strait and to about 70º N in western part of the Greenland waters. The distribution in Icelandic waters is fairly well documented, and collection of distributional records in eastern North Atlantic is in progress. 


Mercer M. C. Systematics of the sepiolid squid Rossia Owen 1835 in Canadian waters with a preliminary review of the genus and notes on biology. [M.Sc. Thesis] Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns, Canada, 1968. 106 p.

Nesis K. N. Cephalopod molluscs of the Arctic Ocean and its seas. Fauna and distribution of molluscs: North Pacific and Arctic Basin, 1987. – P. 115-136 [in Russian].

Jereb P., Roper C. F. E. (eds) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 1. Chambered nautiluses and sepioids (Nautilidae, Sepiidae, Sepiolidae, Sepiadariidae, Idiosepiidae and Spirulidae). FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 1. Rome, FAO. 2005. 262p.

Xavier J. C., Cherel Y., Allcock L., Rosa R., Sabirov R. M., Blicher M. E., Golikov A. V. A review on the biodiversity, distribution and trophic role of cephalopods in the Arctic and Antarctic marine ecosystems under a changing ocean. Marine Biology, 2018. Vol. 165. – 26 p.

Alexey V. Golikov and Rushan M. Sabirov, Kazan Federal University, Department of Zoology; and Gudmundur Gudmundsson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Department of Collections and Systematics

Please cite this page as: Golikov A. V., Sabirov R. M., Gudmundsson G. (2018) Cephalopoda (Smokkdýr), Rossia megaptera Verrill, 1881,

Útbreiðsla Rossia megaptera (Bioice samples, red dots; miscellaneous samples, blue dots)


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