Bathypolypus arcticus

Picture: Guðmundur Guðmundsson
B. arcticus. a) kólfur á æxlunararmi b) bitkjálkar c) karldýr, lengd bols 40 mm, eintak frá S-Grænl. (Courtesy of @ Muus 2002, Malacologia, fig.1)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
B. arcticus (specimen in IINH collection)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
B. arcticus, kólfur á æxlunararmi karldýrs (Hectodactylus of B. arcticus, specimen in IINH collection)
Picture: Alexey Golikov
Neðri og efri bitkjálkar (B. arcticus, lower and upper beaks)


Armar fremur stuttir, þeir lengstu um tvöföld lengd bolsins. Fit milli arma ná fram um 2/3 af lengd armanna.  Sogskálar á örmum eru smágerðar og mynda tvöfalda röð; stærri dýr hafa 60 -90 sogskálar á hverjum armi; kólfur á æxlunarmi karldýra er spaðalaga. Litarhaft er gjarnan fjólublátt eða purpurarautt, ásamt ljósgulum hringlaga deplum.  Lengd bols getur farið vel yfir 7 cm. Yfirborð bolsins er hnúðótt, einkum á baki. Stórir húðsepar eru við augun.  Tegundin botnlæg og er útbreidd í N-Atlantshafi; hefur fengist á 37 til 1.210 m dýpi, en algegnust kringum 400 m. Lífshættir eru lítt þekktir. Kvendýr og ungviði af tegundunum Bathypolypus bairdii og B. arcticus eru nauðalík. Karldýr þessara tegunda eru hinsvegar auðgreind á kólfinum sem er á enda æxlunararmsins; kólfur B. arcticus er oddmjór, með 8 til 10 blöðkum; kólfur B. bairdii er þverstýfður með 10 til 16 blöðkum.


Bathypolypus arcticus (Prosch, 1847)

The largest confirmed measurement of a mantle length is 75 mm, but clearly it may  attain larger sizes. It is an Arctic and high Boreal Atlantic species. In Icelandic waters, it is most abundant in the cooler waters north-east and east of the island. It occurs mainly on the  shelfs and the upper slopes, but has been found at 1.250 m. It is by far the most abundant benthic octopus in the Arctic. The biology is not well known and it is often mistaken for B. bairdii.


Bruun A. Fr. Cephalopoda. In The Zoology of Iceland, (eds.) A. Fredriksson and
S. L. Tuxen. Ejnar Munkagaard, Copenhagen, Vol. 4, Part 64, 1945. 45 pp.

Nesis K. N. Cephalopod molluscs of the Arctic Ocean and its seas. Fauna and distribution of molluscs: North Pacific and Arctic Basin, 1987. – P. 115-136 [in Russian].

Muus B. J. The Bathypolypus-Benthoctopus problem of the North Atlantic (Octopodidae, Cephalopoda). Malacologia, 2002. Vol. 44. – P. 175-222.

Jereb P., Roper C. F. E., Norman M. D., Finn J. K. (eds). Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 3. Octopods and Vampire Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 3. Rome, FAO, 2014. 370 pp.

Alexey V. Golikov and Rushan M. Sabirov, Kazan Federal University, Department of Zoology & Gudmundur Gudmundsson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Department of Collections and Systematics

Cite this page as: Golikov A. V., Sabirov R. M., Gudmundsson G., (2017). Cephalopoda, Bathypolypus arcticus (Prosch, 1847),

Útbreiðsla B. arcticus (Sampling sites of B. arcticus)


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