María Harðardóttir

Publishing director

María Harðardóttir

M.A. practical editorship and theory of publication
B.S. biology

  • Curriculum vitae

    Curriculum vitae


    M.A. Practical editorship and theory of publication, University of Iceland, 2017.

    BSc. Biology, University of Iceland, 1995.

    Work experience

    2011– Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Publishing director.

    2008–2011 Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Specialist.

    2003–2008 Environment Agency of Iceland, Specialist.

    2002 Nature Conservation Agency, Project manager.

    2001–2002 Nature Conservation Agency, Specialist.

    1996–2001 Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Biologist.

    1993–1995 (summers) Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Research assistant.

    Committee work

    2008 Bern Convention standing committee on the Emerald Network, representative of the IINH.

    2002–2008 Committee on Hornstrandir, representative of the Environment Agency of Iceland.

    2005–2006 Hållbar turism i skyddade områden, working group initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

  • Bibliography


    • María Harðardóttir, Erling Ólafsson, Kristinn Haukur Skarphéðinsson, Sigmundur Einarsson, Sigurður H. Magnússon, Starri Heiðmarsson og Jón Gunnar Ottósson 2008. Verndun svæða, vistgerða og tegunda. Tillögur Náttúrufræðistofnunar Íslands vegna náttúruverndaráætlunar 2009-2013. Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands, Reykjavík, NÍ-08008. 85 bls.