Guðmundur Guðmundsson

Curator of marine invertebrates

Guðmundur Guðmundsson

Ph.D. systematics

  • Curriculum vitae

    Curriculum vitae


    1990. Ph D The City University of New York, Graduate Center, Deptm. Biology.

    1989. M Sc The City College of City University of New York, Deptm. Biology.

    1981. B Sc University of Iceland, Deptm. Biology.

    Academic Awards

    1987-1989. The American Museum of Natural History, Deptm. of Invertebrates Ph. D. Research Associate.

    1984, 1986-1989. City University of New York, University Fellowship.


    2021-present. The Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Curator of Marine Invertebrates (Foraminifera).

    1994-2021. The Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Manager of Systematics and Collections Section & Curator of Marine Invertebrates (Foraminifera).

    1990-1993. Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, Research Scientist and Adjunct Lecturer

    1984-1987. CUNY, City College, Ph D Teaching Assistantship.

    1982-1984. Institute of Pathology, Keldur, University of Iceland, Research Assistant.

    Administrative appointments

    2003-presently. Chairman of a Selection Panel of the Sandgerdi Marine Laboratory – funded by the Improving the Human Potential Programme (IHP) of the European Community.

    2000-2001. Member of the organizing committee of the 7th International Polychaete Conference, July 2-6, 2002, Reykjavik, Iceland.

    1998-2000. Chairman of a Selection Panel of the Sandgerdi Marine Laboratory – Large Scale Facility, funded by the TMR program of the EU.

    1992-present. Head of Taxonomical Research of the BIOICE program, which objectives is to record benthic species of marine invertebrates within the 200 mile economical zone of Iceland (758 000 km2), map their distribution, abundance, and species diversity patterns. Involves co-ordination of 108 systematists and taxonomists from 19 countries.

  • Bibliography


    • Golikov A.V., M.E. Blicher, G. Gudmundsson, I.E. Manushin, J.Y. Poulsen, D.V. Zakharov og R.M. Sabirov 2020. Flapjack devilfish in the northern North Atlantic: morphology, biology and ecology of Opisthoteuthis borealis (Cephalopoda, Octopoda, Cirrata). Marine Biodiversity 50 (6): 108. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-020-01138-9
    • Golikov A.V., F.R. Ceia, R.M. Sabirov, G.A. Batalin, M.E. Blicher, B.I. Gareev, G. Gudmundsson, L.L. Jørgensen, G.Z. Mingazov, D.V. Zakharov og J.C. Xavier 2020. Diet and life history reduce interspecific and intraspecific competition among three sympatric Arctic cephalopods. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 21506. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78645-z
    • Egilsdottir, H., N. McGinty og G. Gudmundsson 2019. Relating Depth and Diversity of Bivalvia and Gastropoda in Two Contrasting Sub-Arctic Marine Regions. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 129. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00129
    • Golikov, A.V., F.R. Ceia, R.M. Sabirov, J.D. Ablett, I.G. Gleadall, G. Gudmundsson, H.J. Hoving, H. Judkins, J. Pálsson, A.L. Reid, R. Rosas-Luis, E.K. Shea, R. Schwarz og J.C. Xavier 2019. The first global deep-sea stable isotope assessment reveals the unique trophic ecology of Vampire Squid Vampyroteuthis infernalis (Cephalopoda). Nature Scientific Reports 9(1): 19099. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-55719-1
    • Olga Kolbrún Vilmundardóttir, Ásrún Elmarsdóttir, Borgþór Magnússon, Guðmundur Guðmundsson, Ingvar Atli Sigurðsson, Kristinn Haukur Skarphéðinsson, Kristján Jónasson, Lovísa Ásbjörnsdóttir, Marianne Jensdóttir Fjeld, Sigmar Metúsalemsson, Starri Heiðmarsson, Sunna Björk Ragnarsdóttir, Þóra Hrafnsdóttir og Trausti Baldursson 2019. Framkvæmdaáætlun náttúruminjaskrár 2018: svæðaval og ávinningur verndar. Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands, NÍ-19008. Garðabær: Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands. [skoðað 26.5.2021]
    • Golikov, A.V., R.M. Sabirov, M.E. Blicher, G. Gudmundson, O.L. Zimina og D.V. Zakharov 2018. First record of the whip-lash squid, Mastigoteuthis agassizii Verrill, 1881 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda: Mastigoteuthidae) in the Subarctic Atlantic, with notes on its morphology and biology. Journal of Natural History 52(35–36): 2317–2329. DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2018.1536229
    • Gunnhildur Ingibjörg Georgsdóttir, Erlingur Hauksson, Guðmundur Guðmundsson og Ester Rut Unnsteinsdóttir 2018. Selalátur við strendur Íslands. Fjölrit Náttúrufræðistofnunar nr. 56. Garðabær: Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands.
    • Darlinga, K.F., M. Schweizera, K.L. Knudsen, K.M. Evansa, C. Birda, A. Roberts, H.L. Filipsson, J-H. Kim, G. Gudmundsson, C.M. Wade, M.D.J. Sayer og W.E.N. Austin 2016. The genetic diversity, phylogeography and morphology of Elphidiidae (Foraminifera) in the Northeast Atlantic. Marine Micropaleontology 129: 1–23. 
    • Gunnhildur I. Georgsdóttir, Karl Gunnarsson, Sigríður Kristinsdóttir og Guðmundur Guðmundsson 2016. Vistgerðir í fjöru. Í Jón Gunnar Ottósson, Anna Sveinsdóttir og María Harðardóttir, ritstj. Vistgerðir á Íslandi. Fjölrit Náttúrufræðistofnunar nr. 54, bls.214–279. Garðabær: Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands.
    • Guðmundur Guðmundsson og Gunnhildur Georgsdóttir 2015. Vistgerðir í fjörum. Í María Harðardóttir, ritstj. Ársskýrsla 2014, bls. 16. Garðabær: Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands.
    • Guðmundur Guðmundsson, Halldis Ringvold og Christopher Mah 2015. Krossfiskar á Íslandsmiðum. Í María Harðardóttir, ritstj. Ársskýrsla 2014, bls.17–18. Garðabær: Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands.
    • de Jong, Y., J. Kouwenberg, L. Boumans, C. Hussey, R. Hyam, N. Nicolson, P. Kirk, A. Paton, E. Michel, M.D. Guiry, P.S. Boegh, H.Æ. Pedersen, H. Enghoff, E. von Raab-Straube, A. Güntsch, M. Geoffroy, A. Müller, A. Kohlbecker, W. Berendsohn, W. Appeltans, C. Arvanitidis, B. Vanhoorne, J. Declerck, L. Vandepitte, F. Hernandez, R. Nash, M.J. Costello, D. Ouvrard, P. Bezard-Falgas, T. Bourgoin, F.T. Wetzel, F. Glöckler, G. Korb, C. Ring, G. Hagedorn, C. Häuser, N. Aktaç, A. Asan, A. Ardelean, P.A.V. Borges, D. Dhora, H. Khachatryan, M. Malicky, S. Ibrahimov, A. Tuzikov, A. De Wever, S. Moncheva, N. Spassov, K. Chobot, A. Popov, I. Boršiæ, S. Sfenthourakis, U. Kõljalg, P. Uotila, G. Olivier, J-C. Dauvin, D. Tarkhnishvili, G. Chaladze, M. Tuerkay, A. Legakis, L. Peregovits, G. Gudmundsson, E. Ólafsson, L. Lysaght, B.S. Galil, F.M. Raimondo, G. Domina, F. Stoch, A. Minelli, V. Spungis, E. Budrys, S. Olenin, A. Turpel, T. Walisch, V. Krpach, M.T. Gambin, L. Ungureanu, G. Karaman, R.M.J.C. Kleukers, E. Stur, K. Aagaard, N. Valland, T.L. Moen, W. Bogdanowicz, P. Tykarski, J.M. Wêslawski, M. Kêdra, A.M. de Frias Martins, A.D. Abreu, R. Silva, S. Medvedev, A. Ryss, S. Šimiæ, K. Marhold, E. Stloukal, D. Tome, M.A. Ramos, B. Valdés, F. Pina, S. Kullander, A. Telenius, Y. Gonseth, P. Tschudin, O. Sergeyeva, V. Vladymyrov, V.B. Rizun, C. Raper, D. Lear, P. Stoev, L. Penev, A.C. Rubio, T. Backeljau, H. Saarenmaa og S. Ulenberg. PESI - a taxonomic backbone for Europe. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e5848. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e58488.
    • Juul-Pedersen, T., F. Ugarte, R. Hindrum, D. Vongraven, J. Watkins, L. Loseto, K. Crane, S. Moore, G. Gudmundsson, J. Sørensen, V. Mokievsky, C. Behe, J. Stow, E. McLanahan, T. Christensen, J. Payne og K.F. Lárusson 2015. Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program Marine Steering Group. 2015. Arctic Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Plan Annual Plan 2014: Annual Report on the Implementation of the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program’s Arctic Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Plan (CBMP-Marine Plan). CAFF Monitoring Report No.15. Akureyri: CAFF International Secretariat.
    • Guðmundur Guðmundsson, Jón Gunnar Ottósson og Guðmundur Víðir Helgason 2014. Botndýr á Íslandsmiðum. Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands, NÍ-14004. Garðabær: Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands.
    • Guðmundur Guðmundsson 2011. Fiskurinn í okkur: ferðasaga mannslíkamans í þrjú þúsund og fimm hundruð milljónir ára. Íslensk þýðing og eftirmáli: Neil Shubin. Your inner fish:a journey into the 3.5 billon year history of the human body. Reykjavik: Ormstunga.
    • Guðmundur Gudmundsson. J.C. Dauvin, S. Alizier og A. Weppe 2011. Tegundafjölbreytni marflóa af ættinni Ampeliscidae á Íslandsmiðum [ágrip]. Líffræðiráðstefnan 2011. Ágrip. Reykjavík: Líffræðifélag Íslands.
    • Gill, M.J., K. Crane, R. Hindrum, P. Arnberg, I. Bysven, N.V. Denisenko, V. Gofman, A. Grant-Friedman, G. Guðmundsson, R. Hopcroft, K. Iken, A. Labasen, O.S. Luibina, I.A. Melnikov, S.E. Moore, J.D. Reist, B.I. Sirenko, , J.Stow, F. Ugarte, D. Vongraven og J. Watkins 2011. Arctic Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Plan (CBMP-MARINE PLAN). CAFF Monitoring Series Report Nr.3. Akureyri: CAFF International Secreteriat.
    • Sveinn P. Jakobsson og Guðmundur Guðmundsson 2011. Hver var Nicolaus Steno og hvert var framlag hans til vísindanna? Vísindavefurinn.
    • Copard, K., C. Colin, E. Douville, A. Freiwald, Guðmundur Guðmundsson, B. Mol og N. Frank 2010. Nd isotopes in the deep-sea corals in the North-Eastern Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews 29: 2499–2508.
    • Guðmundur Guðmundsson 2010. Áhrif Darwins á flokkunarfræði 19. aldar og nútímans. Í Arnar Pálsson o.fl., ritstj. Arfleifð Darwins: Þróunarfræði, náttúra og menning, bls. 145–170. Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag.
    • Guðmundur Guðmundsson, S.D. Brewington, T.H. McGovern, og Ævar Petersen 2010. A catalogue of bird bones: an exercise in semantic web practice. Í P.L. Nimia og R.V. Lebbe, ritstj. Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems, bls. 171–176. Proceedings of the Int. Congr., Paris, 20.–22. september, 2010. Trieste, Italy. París: Museum National d'Historie Naturelle.
    • Vongraven, D., P. Arnberg, I. Bysven, K. Crane, N.V. Denisenko, M. Gill, V. Gofman, A. Grant-Friedman, Guðmundur Guðmundsson, R. Hindrum, R. Hopcroft, K. Iken, A. Labasen, O.S. Luibina, S.E. Moore, I.A. Melnikov, J.D. Reist, J.Stow, J. Tchernova, F. Ugarte og J. Watkins 2010. Circumpolar Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Plan – background paper. CAFF, CBMP Report no.19, CAFF International Secreteriat, Akureyri, Iceland. Henk. H. Dijkstra, Anders Warén, A. & Guðmundur Guðmundsson 2009. Pectinoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from Iceland. Marine Biology Research, 2009; 5: 207-243
    • Wiebke Brökeland, Guðmundur Guðmundsson, Jörundur Svavarsson 2009. Diet of four species of deep-sea isopods (Crustacea: Malacostraca:
      Peracarida) in the South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. Mar Biology, 157:177-187
    • 2006a Guðmundur Guðmundsson, 2006. Líf af lífi [ritdómur]. Náttúrufræðingurinn, 74: 124.
    • 2006b Guðmundsson, G., Osborn, K.J. & Svavarsson, J. 2006. Feeding of large asellote isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Munnopsididae) in the deep-sea. Deep Sea Symposium Abstracts, pp. 101-102.
    • 2004a Gudmundsson, G. and M. Eiland. — Taxonomy of some recent nodosariinae (Foraminifera) from the North Atlantic, with notes on wall lamination. Micropaleontology, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 195-210.
    • 2004b Guðmundur Guðmundsson — Íslensk þýðing á Uppruni tegundanna eftir Charles Darwin, frá 1859, pp. 709, Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag.
    • 2004c Guðmundur Gudmundsson, A. Warén og H.H. Dijkstra — Fjölbreytileiki og útbreiðsla tegunda af diskaætt (Pectinidae, Bivalvia) umhverfis Ísland. Útdráttur veggspjalds: í Líffræði — vaxandi vísindi. Afmælisráðstefna Líffræðifélags Íslands og Líffræðistofnunar Háskólans, Öskju, 19. og 20. nóvember, 2004, bls. 103.
    • 2004d Guðmundur Guðmundsson og Marie Eiland – Götungategundir af undirættinni Nodosariinae: þróunarsöguleg stöðnun eða breytingar. Útdráttur veggspjalds: í Líffræði - vaxandi vísindi. Afmælisráðstefna Líffræðifélags Íslands og Líffræðistofnunar Háskólans, Öskju, 19. og 20. nóvember, 2004, bls. 102.
    • 2003a Sigvaldadottir, E, Mackie, A. S.Y., Helgason, G.V., Reish, D.J., Svavarsson, J., Steingrimsson, S.A., and Gudmundsson, G. Editors. Advances in Polychaete Research: Proceedings og the 7th International Polychaete Conference. Developments in Hydrobiology 170, pp. 399.
    • 2003b Gudmundsson, G., K. Engelstad, G. Steiner, and J. Svavarsson. – Diets of four deep-water scaphopod species (Mollusca) in the North Atlantic and the Nordic Seas. Marine Biology 142: 1103-1112.
    • 2002a. Gudmundsson, G. – Evolution and bipolar distribution of Cornuspiroides (Foraminifera): phylogenetic inference using morphological characters and parsimony. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 32: 308-318.
    • 2002b. Helgason, G. V., J. Svavarsson, S. A. Steingrimsson, and G. Gudmundsson, – The BIOICE project, Benthich Invertebrates of Icelandic waters, abstract for the 37th European Marine Biology Symposium, p. 81.
    • 2002c. Gudmundsson, G., K. Engelstad, G. Steiner, and J. Svavarsson. – Diets of four deep-water scaphopod species (Mollusca) in the North Atlantic and the Nordic Seas, abstract for the 37th European Marine Biology Symposium, p. 73.
    • 2001a. Gudmundsson, G. – Geographic distribution and evolutionary trees: an example of bipolar taxa, abstract for the 7th International Polychaete Conference, Reykjavik: p. 25.
    • 2001b. Gudmundsson, G., E. Sigvaldadottir, S. A. Steingrimsson, and G. V. Helgason. – Database on invertebrates in Icelandic waters (in Icelandic), abstract for the Marine Ecosystem Conference: researches during the years 1995-1999, The Icelandic Republic Fund, Reykjavik.
    • 2001c. Gudmundsson, G. – Evolution of foraminifers in Arctic and Antarctic habitats (in Icelandic), abstract for the Marine Ecosystem Conference: researches during the years 1995-1999, The Icelandic Republic Fund, Reykjavik.
    • 2001d. Gudmundsson, G. – The BIOICE research program maps benthic biodiversity, pp.184-185, in CAFF, Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, Status and Conservation. Helsinki, Edita.
    • 2000a. Gudmundsson, G., M. von Schmalensee, and J. Svavarsson. – Are foraminifers (Protozoa) important food for small isopods (Crustacea) in the deep sea? Deep-Sea Research, 47: 2093-2109.
    • 2000b. Gudmundsson,G. – The importance of research: the BIOICE Research Program. In Arctic Flora and Fauna. An introduction to biodiversity, status and conserveation. CAFF, Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna.
    • 1999. Gudmundsson, G. – The BIOICE research program, Benthic Invertebrates in Icelandic Waters (in Icelandic), Náttúrufræðingurinn, 68:225-236.
    • 1998. Gudmundsson, G. – Distributional limits of Pyrgo species at the biogeographic boundaries of the ARCTIC and the north-Atlantic biogeographic regions. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, v. 28: 240-256.
    • 1997. Gudmundsson, G., J. Palsson and S. T. Einarsson. – The crab species Neolitghodes grimaldii in Iceladic waters (in Icelandic). Náttúrufræðingurinn, 6: 29-32.
    • 1996. Gudmundsson, G. – Benthic invertebrates in Icelandic waters (in Icelandic). pp. 22-26. in the Annual Report of the Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Reykjavik.
    • 1994a. Gudmundsson, G. – Phylogeny, ontogeny and systematics of Recent Soritacea Ehrenberg 1839 (Foraminiferida). Micropaleontology 40: 101-155.
    • 1994b. Gudmundsson, G. – Biogeographic analysis using three-items and strict-items: cladistics of Cornuspira species of the far northern hemisphere. Biodiversity and Phylogeny, abstracts for the XIIIth meeting of the Willi Hennig Society, p. 32-33.
    • 1993. Svavarson, J., G. Gudmundsson, and T. Brattegard. – Selective Predation by asellote isopods (Crustacea)on foraminifera (Protozoa) in the deep-sea. Deep-Sea Research 40:1225-1239.
    • 1990. Gudmundsson, G. – Ontogeny phylogeny and systematics of recent Species of the superfamily Soritacea, Ehrenberg, 1839: 212pp. Ph. D thesis, City University of New York, New York.